Welcome Mary Kate

Welcome Mary Kate

Friday, August 22, 2008

...Twenty Days Later

Mary Kate is doing great in our family. She has grown to love Jack and misses him when he is at Kindergarten as he is her protector and playmate. Lily is still adjusting to not being the baby in our family. She asked me this morning when she woke up and saw Mary Kate sleeping, "Mommy, why do we need a baby sister?"

Mary Kate saw the pediatrician this week and weighs 19 pounds and is 31 inches tall. She is healthy, but seems to struggle with pressure in her ears, which will hopefully disappear when she receives tubes in her ears. This is a common problem with cleft lip/palate children. Mary Kate is scheduled for palate surgery and ear tubes on September 10th. We pray that it will not only be successful, but also tolerated by sweet Mary Kate, who also requires hip surgery to repair a congenital dislocation of her right hip in late September, which will be followed by 3 full months in a body cast...poor baby!

Mary Kate loves to eat, laugh, play and jump. She is by no means mild, but is a busy and active toddler. Her English vocabulary has grown to include; more, out, hi, and mama. Although she is still a mama's girl, she no longer cries when I leave the room (for the most part) and thinks it is very fun to wrestle with her daddy, Jack and Lily. Her progress to me has been amazing for only being home a short time.

1 comment:

Beth and Ryan said...

So glad to finally see pictures of Mary Kate with her new family! She is precious as are Lily and Jack. Sounds like the two MKs are a lot alike. Mason-Kate is forever redecorating my house, arranging photos in new places, hiding my make-up, hiding the remote, etc. Never a dull moment! We will be waiting to hear of news post surgery! Beth